- Facility Amenities
- Gym/Basketball/Volleyball/Pickleball Court
- Racquetball Court
- 2 Fitness rooms equipped with Cardio Theater (checkout headphones at the desk!)
- Nautilus Circuit Training equipment
- Free Weight/weightlifting Area (please use buddy system while using free weights)
- Sauna
- Steam Room
- Hot Tub
- Annual Locker rental available/complimentary daily lockers
- Free Wi-Fi (see attendant for password)
- water fountain with room temperature and chilled water to fill your water bottle.
- MWR shirts & caps, headphones, gym bags and water bottles for sale
- Items Available for Checkout
- basketballs
- volleyballs
- bosu' balls
- stability balls
- racquetball equipment
- pickleball equipment
- weight belts, muscle blasters
- jump ropes
- yoga/exercise mats
- aerobic steps
- headphones
- light weight exercise dumbells
- Wellbeats Virtual Fitness System
The Wellbeats kiosk is a virtual trainer system that offers a variety of different exercise routines and workouts.
These include:
- Arobics
- Zumba
- Spinning
- etc.
Take the fitness class you want...at the time you want it!
Please call for any additional information. Phone: 435-833-2159
The TEAD Physical Fitness Center, building 1002, is our largest recreational facility. Sports & Fitness programs provided for the TEAD community are varied and based on customer demand.
If you would like to have exclusive use of a locker, we offer a limited number, please call for pricing. (435-833-2159)
The Fitness Center has complimentary Wireless access. Patrons may request the wireless access code from the Fitness Center attendant.